How can we help your business stand our frrom the crowd
Creativity isn’t disciplined for just designers. Ideas and creative thinking should come from everyone regardless of their role. Creativity can be taught to an extent and I’ve been heavily inspired by Mr. Steve Jobs’s presentations as well as Mr. Kevin Roberts.
In my opinion two of the greatest innovators to date, so as I delved more into how they revolutionized the B2C environment, I started to ask myself would this be possible for B2B as well?
Throughout years of research and studies, I developed my own process tailored around what I felt was my idea of a natural evolution for B2B as well as B2C environments concept.
That journey inspired me to prepare this presentation which is my attempt at spreading this infectious concept to others who might not understand how our process works or can find use from such information.
Unique solutions come from innovative problem solving. Having a process is critical.

We listen hard:
The Insight. First find and define the problem.
Saturation. This is the information gathering phase chock-full of research. Most designers hate this phase because it isn’t “creative” per se in their minds. From my perspective, the designers I respect most are all about saturating and plunging themselves in data and inspiration.
We strategize and plan:
Incubation. This is where you walk away from ideas and thinking altogether, which someone might refer to as “thinking aside.” When we shut our mind off, our brain is able to spark the best creativity, which is why ideas pop in our head during a shower, while walking in nature or when you are dreaming.
This is often an area I easily tend to ignore since I’ve never really had the luxury of time, but one I’ve been striving to learn and apply in my ever-changing creative process.
This is one step we are likely all familiar with. The infamous a-ha moment that stops you in your tracks.
We execute:
AKA the verification. This is the point where things start coming together; the part where you make it real. This part reminds me of the great scientists of history having an idea, testing it and learning from it and then making it happen.
Learn, modify and repeat. That being said, creativity isn’t supposed to be easy, as pointed out by researchers worldwide, it takes a level of deep work and focused intent to develop skills and solve problems
Ideas are nothing without execution. Contact us to learn more on how we can help your business thrive!