I believe that generally speaking, we live in an extremely competitive world, what is rapidly shifting and changing before our eyes are not only the market landscape but also consumers’ backgrounds, (which affect decisions in unprecedented ways. All internet experiences have gone one way during the years, up.
As a result to this continuous and relentless development users and consumers are probably the most demanding in history.
We have accustomed our audience to get more, learn more, want more. It’s only human to fail at least some of these objectives at times.
The more we struggle to provide seamless, complete and outstanding experiences, the more some certain unequivocally human traits reemerge as ridges surfacing in shallow waters hindering somehow our processes.
Possibly all this is meant to show us that what really can make the difference and effect on buying trends and decisions is to be found in values and virtues that most technologies are not able to gain meaningful insights from or replicate just yet.
It’s what I like to call the X operator in this equation and what represents the very nature of human beings and roots of trading, we can have every single actionable information and data out there at our disposal and still miss the target if we are not capable of gathering insights from a deeper and often uncharted territory and perspective.
It’s only when we truly listen do we move forward.
So how do companies can achieve greatness in the modern B2C and B2B landscapes?
Let’s assume that our product has somehow been a stronghold from prominent players to fortune 500 companies, so you are thinking if we keep doing our homework and clean our dishes you will be securing the advantage and possibly engaging new potential leads.
That sounds so tempting that someone unaware of certain crucial dynamics could actually believe it.
In fact one of the easiest way to fail is to take things for granted and neglect what really ultimately put our product or service in the hands of our clients.
There’s the rub! in this context, nothing is more harmful to your business than assumptions and unawareness combined with a shallow attitude towards what defines its core values.
We have seen it happen before, with companies that seemed so convinced and driven as they managed to lead a certain market for so long let’s say telecommunications, it’s when those certain values were somehow neglected that all it took a turn for the worse and then later when they were forgotten the game was really over.
Companies invest so much in innovation nowadays and don’t get me wrong, this is a major and must-have feature to stay on top and retain that hard-earned position, however, by all means, the core values on which a business is founded and ran should never be unaligned with everything else that revolves around it.
The only way to avoid this is try and listen more to who we really are, to your brand, your employees, create the premises for a better working environment.
In order to turn all this into a visual example let’s take a look at these three major players plus an emerging one in telecommunication industry we can actually immediately see what we are talking about.
It is obvious even by looking at these simple charts that who is been caring and nurturing the values and managed to build a consolidated bond to their customer is always leading the market, whilst the companies that failed to understand this or didn’t really have a very good base layer to start with have been negatively affected by this sort of backfire situation. In conclusion, all is changed over the years to the extent of ZMOT, FMOT and SMOT mainly had a timing impact and the way of informing the potential customers in ways unheard of only a couple decades ago, however dynamics for decision making remain the same today.
The reach that digital media tools and channels allow us to have on certain crucial phases of the CDJ is extremely significative and according to how is used can be a determining factor, but this is not just coming down to how we manage to present ourselves and our services or products to the audience but more specifically how we manage to see ourselves in what we wish to accomplish and deliver to our end customers.
Our ability to keep our heads in the game, so to speak and make wise usage of the tools we have available in order to preserve the core values and build our products around it and what we provide to our end-users is vital.
In the end, we are what we own and we should all put ourselves in the consumers, buyers shoes first at least once before we can foster our connection by stepping on the gas and be able to rely on it for the long run.