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Creating a HIPAA compliant application prototype


Project name: Anlaids

Start date: Septemeber, 2018 (Revisited 2023)



Anlaids, an NGO dedicated to HIV prevention and innovative treatment research, approached DesignDiverso with a dual challenge: to increase public awareness about HIV prevention and to redesign their existing dashboard application to be HIPAA compliant.
Our mission was to create an effective awareness campaign and develop a user-friendly, modernized dashboard that ensures data security and enhances user engagement.


Our challenge

The primary challenges were twofold. Firstly, raising public awareness about HIV prevention required impactful collaterals and promotional materials to educate and engage the community effectively.

Secondly, redesigning Anlaids’ dashboard application necessitated ensuring HIPAA compliance, which involves strict data privacy and security regulations. The new design needed to be user-friendly and visually appealing to boost user engagement and drive donations.




The process

Awareness Campaign

  • Research and Planning: Our team conducted thorough research to understand the target audience and their perceptions of HIV prevention. This informed our strategy for creating effective awareness materials.
  • Content Creation: We developed a variety of collaterals, including posters, flyers, social media graphics, and informative brochures. Each piece was designed to be visually appealing and informative, conveying critical information about HIV prevention and treatment.
  • Distribution: These materials were distributed through various channels, including social media, local community centers, and healthcare facilities, to maximize reach and impact.

Dashboard Redesign

  • User Research: We engaged in in-depth user research to understand the needs and pain points of the dashboard’s users. Interviews, surveys, and usability tests were conducted to gather valuable insights.
  • UX Design: Based on the research findings, we designed wireframes and prototypes focusing on ease of use, clarity, and functionality. Special attention was given to ensuring that the design complies with HIPAA regulations.
  • UI Design: We developed a modern, clean visual interface that enhances user experience and engagement. The design included intuitive navigation, clear visual hierarchies, and accessible features to cater to a diverse user base.
  • Testing and Iteration: The prototypes were tested with real users to gather feedback. Based on the feedback, iterations were made to refine the design, ensuring it met user needs and compliance requirements.

10M +



Healthcare Partnerships



Users per day

Project Ovreview

Anlaids Portal

We have created a robust, SEO-oriented, and animated website that stays on top of Analids’s sales funnel, providing doctors and patients with information about the company’s service offer and its innovative opportunities.
We prioritized a clear information architecture, a well-articulated value proposition, and elements that drive conversions in our prototype strategy.

User’s Dashboard

Our design team created sturdy, visually appealing, and user-friendly dashboards for patients and doctors, allowing them to access all relevant information in one place. We used Chart.js, a powerful data visualization tool, as the core solution.

anlaids dashboard

Application forms

Our team designed intuitive and effective loan application forms, specifically tailored to students seeking financing options, ensuring they can easily navigate the application process.

Genetic and Genomic Analysis

We created an interactive and intuitive analysis dashboard to help patients and doctors keep track of processes and results without feeling the burden of a complex application process. Instead, the friendly UI guides them step-by-step, providing relevant information across the tests and procedures. 

dashboard UI


The project was developed using the Agile methodology. We built each component step by step, testing them iteratively while maintaining close communication with the customer, as the requirements were frequently evolving.

Design Process


A significant portion of the project development time was dedicated to reviewing the extensive documentation containing the client’s ideas.
We also spent considerable time planning the project timeline. This process was meticulously documented in collaboration with the client, as we were working under tight deadlines.

Design Process


The primary challenge was managing the numerous interconnections between various website flows, which our designers and developers had to constantly consider. We pre-designed hundreds of website pages, thoroughly discussing even the smallest details with the customer and their design lead.

user flow
Design Process

UI Design

Following the sitemap, we developed UI wireframes for each screen using Figma, a cutting-edge tool ideal for crafting intricate design solutions, visualizing the design system, and facilitating effective teamwork and communication with the customer.

UI Design

Innovation in prevention and treatment

Anlaids offers a range of products and services for the awareness, prevention and treatment of HIV and AIDS.
In collaboration with renowed hospitals and research centers, they are pioneering genomic analysis and editing. 

web app landing page

Rapid Testing and Counseling

Anlaids offers a rapid testing, and professional counseling for patients and patients’ families. 

landing pages anlaids web app
web app landing page anlaids

Custom Icons and Design Elements

Our design team has carefully designed every aspect of the Anlaids portal to provide users with a smooth, efficient experience, enhanced by exceptional design aesthetics.

design elements icons

Mobile version

Initially, the client considered developing the portal as mobile app.
However, due to tight deadlines, they decided to go with a responsive web solution prototype instead.
React.js could be the stack of choice for building the responsive web app, and Hetzner as the hosting option, offering scalable infrastructure.

anlaids mobile version

Branding – Typography

For the project we carefully selected the Railway font type for typography to evoke a sense of nostalgia and timelessness. The bold, geometric letterforms of Railway perfectly complement the vintage aesthetic we aimed to preserve while embracing modern UI elements and design language. This font choice not only captures the essence of the brand but also ensures readability and consistency across various platforms.

Helvetica Neue



Regular          Medium         Semibold         Bold

Aa    Bb    Cc     Dd     Ee     Ff     Gg    Hh    Ii
Jj     Kk     Ll     Mm     Nn     Oo     Pp     Qq    Rr
Ss     Tt     Uu     Vv     Ww     Xx     Yy    Zz
01    02   03    04    05    06    07    08    09
b&m catering ipad

Branding – Color Scheme

Building upon the client’s existing color scheme of blue and cream, we elevated it to the next level by infusing deeper meaning and significance into these colors. Blue symbolizes trust, professionalism, and reliability, aligning perfectly with B&M Catering’s commitment to excellence and quality service. Cream, on the other hand, conveys warmth, sophistication, and tradition, reflecting the company’s rich culinary heritage and dedication to delivering memorable dining experiences.



Anlaids Purple



Neutral Grey



Anlaids lavender





The billboard for the Anlaids project will feature a bold and modern design that embodies the brand’s commitment to HIV/AIDS prevention and innovative treatment solutions. The visual will showcase the seamless integration of technology and healthcare, highlighting cutting-edge features like real-time patient monitoring, personalized treatment plans, and an engaging user interface.

Conclusion & Results

The prototype we developed for Anlaids has the potential to attract significant investment, positioning the organization to expand its international reach daily. This global-standard platform is a key asset in driving Anlaids’ growth and impact. Our partnership with Anlaids continues to evolve, pushing the boundaries of innovation and global health.