Unlock leads, save big with affordable marketing automation.

Upgrade or cancel at any time, no questions, no hassle.

Do you have more contacts?

  • 16.000 contacts: €829 / month
  • 25.000 contacts: €1.259 / month
  • 50.000 contacts: €2.269 / month
  • 75.000 contacts: €3.129 / month
  • Over 75.000 contacts: Talk to us

All prices are including VAT.


Stay flexible with a monthly subscription. Or save -10% with annual prepayment (and get 12 months for the price of 10).


We offer non-profit organizations a -50% discount on our regular pricing. Please get in touch with us to learn more.

All prices including VAT.




Not Ready for a Test Yet?

We would be happy to show you DesignDiverso Automata on a video call. Book a free demo with personal consultation here:


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